Welcome to Political Pumpkins.

Show your political colors this halloween, carve a pumpkin to send a message to your friends and neighbors how scary this election is. Choose from any of the templates below and start carving. Don't know how to do it? Here is a simple how to. click here
So carve em up, set em up and pass them around. Sure, there might be a few broken pumpkins on halloween night from people who might disagree with you, but the consequences from us not trying to get the word out are truly terrifying.

Patriotic, Simple
Get the vote out
Kerry o' Lantern
Show your support
He served his country in war
He'll serve this country today

If you have any suggestions or pumpkin ideas. post them here on the message board. But please, keep it civil.

Where are
you from:

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To view your guestbook, please visit http://politicalpumpkins.50megs.com/fsguestbook.html